The Chargé in Cuba (Curtis) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 25.]
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Instruction No. 315 of February 13, 1929, file No. 437.11H23/39[/42], transmitting a draft of an arbitral agreement between the United States and Cuba in the matter of the claim of Charles J. Harrah.
When this instruction was received the Ambassador had an appointment to see President Machado on February 18 and it seemed advisable to discuss the matter orally with him before furnishing him with a copy of this proposed agreement. The interview was postponed two days and President Machado then stated that he would give an answer regarding arbitration in about a fortnight. Accordingly, no further action will be taken for the present.
The Ambassador desires me to say that he will call at the Department of State in Washington on February 23 or 25 and will endeavor to discuss this matter orally with the proper official.
I have [etc.]