Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State (White)
The Bolivian Minister telephoned and said that he had a message from his Government which he would like to deliver to the Secretary and wanted to know if the Secretary could see him before the appointment which is already arranged for 10:45 on Thursday. I told the Minister that the Secretary was frightfully busy and I was afraid that he would not be able to do so and asked if I could see him in his stead. The Minister came down and read me the telegram from his Government and left me an English translation thereof reading as follows:
“Lay before Secretary of State that the Bolivian Government understands spectacular conferences have the inconvenience of exciting national spirit, it being preferable to promote negotiations that could thrive within resumption of relations such as has happened short time ago between Chile and Peru.
“In discreet atmosphere offices of chancellors it will be possible to attempt again direct settlement on mutual convenient bases which parties must study calmly.
“In any case we will count help friendly Governments in accordance diplomatic precedents already established, and specially that of the Government of that great republic. These thoughts have inspired our answer of day before yesterday to the American Legation.”
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