The Bolivian Minister for Foreign Affairs
and, Worship (Chávez) to the
American Chargé (Hibbard)
La Paz, September 14, 1929.
D/P No. 364
Mr. Chargé d’Affaires: I take pleasure
in answering your kind note No. 104 of yesterday’s date,
received today, by which Your Excellency transmitted the
telegraphic message from the Secretary of State of the United
States of America, His Excellency, Henry L. Stimson, in regard
to the happy result reached by the Commission of Investigation
and Conciliation, stating that the success of the mission
entrusted to that body is due largely to the efficacious manner
in which the Government of Bolivia and its Delegates in
Washington have interpreted the constant solicitude and interest
of all the American Republics, represented by the five neutral
Commissioners who have peacefully adjusted the controversy
between Bolivia
[Page 895]
Paraguay, an achievement which marks an epoch in the historical
development of conciliation as a practical method for advancing
the cause of Pan American peace. You add that you have been
instructed by your Government to say that, as there exists a
proposition for the settlement of the fundamental controversy,
the work of the Commission should have a worthy consummation in
an atmosphere removed from the haste occasioned by shortness of
time in a matter the magnitude and complexity of which justify
any delay. And you conclude stating that the Government of the
United States will be glad to offer to the two Governments
directly interested the services of its Commissioner and of the
Secretary General “in a continued effort to assist the two
interested Governments in finding an adequate solution of the
fundamental controversy.”
In reply I am pleased to inform you that the Government of
Bolivia appreciates fully the congratulations of His Excellency,
the Secretary of State of the United States of America, both for
the success of the Commission of Inquiry and Conciliation, and
for the manner in which this Government and its Delegates
contributed to the notable success achieved by that
The Government of Bolivia feels that the Commission has
completely fulfilled its duty under the terms of the Protocol of
January 3rd of this year and has therefore instructed its
delegates in the sense that the friendly and informal
propositions for the settlement of the fundamental controversy,
to which the President of the Commission referred in his note to
our delegates of May 31 to which the note of August 31, last, is
only a consequence, should be differently [deferentemente: deferentially] heard and studied
without this meaning “the modification or weakening” of said
As in accordance with the bases of conciliation accepted by
Bolivia and Paraguay, diplomatic relations between the two
countries are shortly to be renewed, the Government of Bolivia
will be very pleased to take into consideration the esteemed
suggestions of the Commission of neutrals at the time of
renewing the negotiations to which the last Conference of Buenos
Aires referred.
While the new peaceful efforts which the Government of Bolivia is
disposed to carry through are being realized, by means of its
Foreign Office, I have the honor to present to the Government of
the United States of America, through Your Excellency, the
expression of the most grateful appreciation of the Government
of Bolivia for the eminent services which the illustrious
President of the Commission of Inquiry and Conciliation, General
McCoy, gave to the cause of American peace.
I avail myself [etc.]