
Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State (Castle)

The Secretary: The French Ambassador came to see me this morning to say that, in talking with you the other day, you had said that you felt there was a lack in the Kellogg Pact in that at least means for settling such disputes as might arise were not provided. He seemed to think that you had particularly in mind the fact that suggestions or advice might be resented as in the case of [Page 63] Russia. The Ambassador said that you had asked him to get some suggestions as to what might be done from Monsieur Briand. The Ambassador has not heard from Briand, who he thinks probably did not fully understand the suggestion made by cable. He said that he himself, therefore, had drawn up something along the line of your suggestion and had shown it to the French international lawyers who happened to be here at the moment. He said he did this because he thought it was always more satisfactory to talk of something definite than to discuss a not clearly defined idea. He asked me to translate his draft and submit it to you merely as a basis of something to think about, to submit it also as a very modest contribution on his part.

W. R. C[astle,] Jr.

Informal Draft by the French Ambassador (Claudel) of a Multilateral Declaration Relative to the Treaty for the Renunciation of War

The high contracting parties, deeply sensible of the responsibilities imposed on them by the Pact of Paris which they signed;

Understanding that in the actual condition of international relations there can be no such thing as an isolated conflict, that a state of tension arising in any part of the world interests the entire family of nations and particularly the signatories of the Pact;

Conscious of the obligations which they have thus assumed toward their cosignatories and the practical consequences which flow from it as affecting any nation that might be placed outside the Pact, which today unites practically all civilized peoples;

Declaring that if a situation should arise where the views and the interests of one nation seem to be violently in opposition with the views and the interests of another nation, they will both make every effort to bring to the knowledge of the other states signatory to the Pact and above all those who are especially interested in the dispute and the prospective conflict, all the circumstances of fact and of law which are such as may enlighten them and assist them in forming a just opinion;

They declare further that, among the pacific methods indicated in Article II of the Pact of Paris, which might well include either arbitration or conciliation as specified in different treaties, or procedure established or envisaged by the League of Nations, or recourse to the international tribunals of the Hague, or special commissions which might be instituted with or without the collaboration of one of the bodies mentioned above,

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They will not exclude such immediate measures as advice, the good offices or common consultation among the states signatory of the Pact of Paris, but that on the other hand that they will consult the wishes of all and will furnish a frank and loyal collaboration.