500.A15a3/558: Telegram

The Ambassador in Frame (Edge) to the Secretary of State


588. I conferred with Tardieu again last night for the fourth and probably the last time before he leaves on Thursday for The Hague. Except for a further confirmation that French public opinion must be placated by some concession along lines mentioned in previous telegrams, nothing new was developed. The virtual unanimity of the debate in Parliament preceding the final vote of confidence shows that the country supports the Government’s program for London as outlined in the French memorandum of December 20th, which had been published and therefore was officially before Parliament and the country before the vote was cast. Tardieu’s unquestioned desire for cooperation with us is made difficult by this together with the constant insistence of the French press for recognition of the national requirements as outlined in the aforesaid note.

The original view to the effect that the British-American advance understanding had ignored the necessities of the French, Tardieu frankly admits has been cleared away; I believe that a solution harmonious with the desire for ultimate reduction will actually be sought by him at the Conference.
