500.A15a3/238: Telegram

The Ambassador in Great Britain (Dawes) to the Secretary of State

292. My 290, October 5, 12 noon.73 I have received today a formal note from Mr. Henderson as follows:

“Your Excellency: I have the honor to transmit to Your Excellency herewith copies of the notes74 which I am today addressing to the [Page 263] French, Italian and Japanese Ambassadors in London inviting the French, Italian and Japanese Governments to participate in a Five-Power Conference to deal with the question of naval disarmament, which it is proposed to hold in London in the latter part of January next.

2. As I understand that the Government of the United States concur in the terms of the enclosed notes, I shall be grateful if Your Excellency will be so good as to confirm my impression that they will find it possible to participate in the Conference above mentioned.”

The text, dated October 7th, of the enclosure is identical with the text submitted in my 285, September 27, 4 p.m., and amended by your 262, September 28, 12 noon, and also my 289, October 4, 1 p.m.75 full texts to go forward by pouch tomorrow but will be cabled should Department so desire.

Instructions are requested as to what reply I shall make to Foreign Office note.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Infra.
  3. None printed; the modifications of the draft text to which they related were mainly matters of wording and of form rather than of substance.