The Minister in Canada (Phillips) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 2.]
Sir: I have the honor to report that on October twenty-sixth, the morning press, in commenting upon the reported delay in connection with the proposed arbitration treaty between the United States and Great Britain, quoted a statement of Dr. O. D. Skelton, Under-Secretary of State for External Affairs, to the effect that “there has been no special delay upon the part of either the British or the Canadian Government in connection with the proposed arbitration treaty between the United States and Great Britain”. “It has been found necessary to consider the treaty in connection with others, such as the League of Nations treaties. The matter is under consideration, but so far no conclusion has been reached by either the British or Canadian Government.”
I asked Dr. Skelton whether the British Government had made any communication to the Canadian Government on the subject, to which he replied in the negative. … As a matter of fact, he said London had made no communication to Ottawa on the subject as yet, but would probably do so before very long. He admitted that [Page 949] Canada would find it necessary to study the arbitration treaties proposed by the League of Nations, all of which Canada would probably not be in a position to sign.
I have [etc.]