The Secretary of State to the Canadian Chargé (Wrong)
Sir: I beg leave to refer to a memorandum which Mr. Beaudry left at the Department on May 29th [31] last8 in which it was stated that the recommendations contained in the first report of the International Fisheries Commission had been formally approved by the Canadian Government, which is prepared to adopt the necessary regulations to put them into effect provided a similar course is taken by the Government of the United States. Reference is also made to your inquiry at the Department on July 13th last in regard to whether this Government is ready to approve the recommendations of the Commission.
In response it gives me pleasure to inform you that the appropriate authorities of this Government approve and are disposed to adopt the recommendations made by the International Fisheries Commission. In view of the changes which the recommendations would, when adopted, effect in the provisions of the Halibut Fishery Treaty of 1923, this Government considers that action looking to the adoption of these recommendations should be taken by means of a new Treaty, supplemented by such legislation or administrative action as may be necessary in each country, rather than that the two Governments should undertake to place the recommendations in effect by concurrent legislation or administrative action without such a treaty.
This Government is therefore prepared to enter into negotiations with the Government of Canada looking to the adoption of the recommendations by both Governments by the conclusion of a Treaty to amend, supplement or supersede the existing halibut treaty whichever may be determined upon after further joint consideration of the matter. It would be understood, of course, that both Governments [Page 29] reserve the right to propose minor variations from the recommendations in the course of the negotiations.
If your Government is prepared to institute treaty negotiations with this Government on this subject, it would seem desirable that the members of the International Fisheries Commission be authorized carefully to review the recommendations contained in the report at the meeting of the Commission to be held next September with the view to suggesting a draft of the technical sections of the proposed treaty.
I shall be grateful if you will be good enough to let me know the views of your Government on this subject.
Accept [etc.]
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