662.11173 Barley/44: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Germany (Poole)
100. Reference Department’s No. 99 dated October 6, 6 p.m. Joint examination of the barley by official technical experts, with tests either in Germany or in this country or in both, is being pressed here by the German Embassy. But the Department of Agriculture is opposing strongly on the grounds explained in No. 99.
In general the Department desires to keep the issue on a purely scientific basis, without involving it with any financial questions between sellers and buyers of barley now under controversy.
Serious consequences in the American grain market would follow an absolute embargo which your 202, October 5, noon, intimated. Your opinion on the exact situation in Germany, and particularly as to whether an embargo is imminent, is desired by the Department, which wishes you to furnish such statistical material and facts that are immediately available as will suggest how seriously the situation may be regarded and if an absolute embargo or the present restrictions on shipping are justified.