851.4061/81: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Herrick) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 23—3:55 p.m.]
80. Reference my No. 77, March 20.57 As to any action taken by the Film Commission at its meeting to put regulations into effect, no definite information is forthcoming.
Since the text of these regulations, in incomplete form as mentioned in my telegram 72 of March 16 (namely, without indication of approval by Herriot nor otherwise given binding effect), has appeared in Matin and in trade papers, however, our commercial attaché has seen the Director-General of the Fine Arts, who is ex officio chairman of the Film Commission, about the matter.
In a despatch leaving today,58 additional details are given in order to facilitate the Department in instructing me further. If any other developments take place before the receipt of this information, and if informal action seems advisable, I shall proceed according to authority granted in Department’s telegram 74, of March 15, noon, and shall cable my report.