711.60 d 12A/6

The Finnish Minister (Åström) to the Secretary of State

Excellency: I have the honor to refer to Your Excellency’s note of April 9, 1928, concerning a proposal to conclude Treaties of Arbitration and Conciliation between Finland and the United States and the drafts indicating along what lines the Government of the United States is prepared to negotiate treaties of the above mentioned nature. I had the pleasure during our conversation on April twenty-fourth to bring to Your Excellency’s knowledge with what great gratification the Government of Finland had received the said proposals. I am now in receipt of a cable advising me that my Government will be pleased to sign the Treaties in the form they were proposed, with only the suggestion that English alone be the original language of the documents.

[Page 806]

I also was advised that the President of Finland has authorized me to sign the Treaties on behalf of the Republic of Finland.

Accept [etc.]

L. Åström