The Minister in Ethiopia (Southard) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 1.]
Sir: I have the honor to state that His Imperial Highness, Ras Tafari, Prince Regent and Heir to the Throne of Ethiopia, has asked this Legation and Consulate General to procure promptly for him from the United States prices and offers on the following military supplies:
- 1.
- Army rifles, per thousand.
- 2.
- Machine rifles and machine guns, per one hundred.
- 3.
- Smaller caliber artillery pieces.
- 4.
- Ammunition for above.
- 5.
- Uniforms for both privates and officers, of both cotton khaki and woolen khaki made in the fasten at the neck style, with trousers either laced or close fitting below the knees. Per thousand suits.
If American laws and regulations permit the export of these war materials, and the prices are suitable, His Imperial Highness might make purchases approaching perhaps a million dollars in all. At any rate I respectfully suggest the advisability of having sent to this Legation and Consulate General, for delivery to His Imperial Highness, catalogs and other sales literature covering the above commodities.
Although I am not in possession of recent information on the subject I obtain the understanding here that there is no longer a general restriction sponsored by Britain, France and Italy to control the importation of war materials into Ethiopia since the admission of the latter to membership in the League of Nations.
I have [etc.]