884.6461 Tsana Dam/63
The Chief of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs (Shaw) to the President of the J. G. White Engineering Corporation (Gano Dunn)
Dear Mr. Dunn: Confirming the telephone conversation which I have just had with you, the following is a paraphrase of a confidential cable from our Legation at Addis Ababa, dated January 4:
A conference has been held on the Tsana Dam matter between King Tafari and the new British Minister. As a result of this conference I have been requested by His Majesty to communicate to the J. G. White Engineering Corporation his desire that the Corporation [Page 799] immediately send a qualified representative to Addis Ababa to take up and discuss with the King the details preliminary to the conclusion of a possible contract. The idea of a conference in London was once more suggested by me to the King. His Majesty however declined.
Sincerely yours,