The Chargé in Egypt (Wadsworth) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 2, 1929.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to my last despatch No. 89 of December 1st, 1928, on the subject of the Egyptian Government’s proposals of December 25th, 1927, and October 28th, 1928, for the extension of the penal jurisdiction of the Mixed Tribunals and for certain modifications of the Organic Law (Règlement d’Organisation Judiciaire) of those courts. With that despatch I had the honor to submit a copy of the text, with translation, of the reply to the Egyptian proposals made under date of November 22nd, 1928, by my French Colleague.24
I now have the honor to submit herewith a copy, with translation, of the text of the Italian reply to the Egyptian Government’s proposals.24 This reply was delivered, under date of December 4th, 1928, by my Italian Colleague, to the Egyptian Minister for Foreign Affairs.
It will be observed that, while the original text of the Italian Note is somewhat involved, its general sense is identical with that of the French reply. The only differences are that the Italian Note lays particular stress upon the desirability of informal conversations and refrains from pointing out specifically the measures which the Italian Government would wish to see taken by the Egyptian Government before the latter’s proposals can receive final official consideration. Inasmuch as this Note is in substance identical with the French reply I feel that I may properly limit my comment to stating that such observations as I had the honor to submit with respect to the French position are, in my opinion, equally applicable to that taken by the Italian Government.
I may add that I have just learned from unofficial sources that the Egyptian Minister for Foreign Affairs is somewhat disturbed by the conflicting attitudes taken on the one hand by Lord Lloyd and on the other by the Franco-Italian group. I shall take early occasion to endeavor to verify this report, for I believe that, if true, it may lead [Page 773] to a situation embarrassing both to Lord Lloyd and to the Egyptian Government. Should this prove to be the case it may be that such reply as I may be directed to make to the Egyptian Notes of December 25th, 1927, and October 28th, 1928, will prove to be of more than passing importance in shaping the attitude of the Egyptian Government.
I have [etc.]
First Secretary of Legation