The Chargé in Egypt (Winship) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 16.]
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge cable instruction Number three, dated January tenth, 1928, four P.M., and to state that I sent a note to the Egyptian Ministry for Foreign Affairs containing the statements as expressed in the last paragraph of said cable.
Judge Brinton’s expression of views on this subject, although not enclosed in his letter of December 24th, addressed to The Secretary of State direct,15 were forwarded in my despatch Number 150, dated December 30, 1927. He has promised to give me his views from time to time, as the questions now under consideration develop, and I shall not fail to forward them as received.
I am now in receipt of a letter from Judge R. L. Henry, containing a detailed statement of his views on the subject of the proposed modifications, and enclose herewith a copy of same.15
Up to the present time I have not been able to obtain an expression of opinion from representative Americans residing in Egypt, but as soon as Dr. Henry of the Vacuum Oil returns from his vacation in America I shall ask him to furnish me with a report on the subject.
[Page 766]The situation here is very little changed; the threatened Ministerial crisis and the long talked of Conversations in London still hold first place in political circles. The Minister for Foreign Affairs seems reconciled to the fact that the points will not be accepted by the Capitulatory Powers by January 31st, and that the International Commission hoped for in February will not take place, although he still hopes for an International Congress to discuss the matter in the late Spring.
In the meantime, France, Italy, and Greece are united in the hope that there will be a definite agreement among the Powers before the Congress convenes.
I have [etc.]