The Acting Secretary of Commerce (Davis) to the Secretary of State
Sir: The Department has received your letter of the 18th ultimo, your reference number So 811.841/294, enclosing a note from the Danish Legation of this capital in which it is contended that in view of the fact that Norwegian vessels arriving in the United States from Norwegian ports are granted the benefit of the two-cent tonnage rate provided for in the Act approved August 5, 1909 Danish vessels arriving in the United States from Danish ports should be accorded the benefits of the same rate.
Norwegian vessels now enjoy the two-cent rate by virtue of Article VIII of the Treaty of 1827 with Norway and your Department has reached the conclusion that unless this Government is prepared to grant the two-cent rate to Danish vessels from Danish ports, it will be necessary to abrogate the Treaty of 1827 between the United States and Norway.
Inasmuch as the terms of our Treaty with Denmark and of the laws of the United States do not permit the extension to Danish vessels entering ports of the United States from Denmark the benefit of the two-cent tonnage rate, this Department perceives no objection, so far as Article VIII is concerned, to the abrogation of the Treaty of 1827 with Norway.