660f.116Auto/2: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Czechoslovakia (Gittings)
10. Department understands from Legation’s despatch 1501, March 6, that Czechoslovak Government definitely promised to grant licenses for importing 500 additional American automobiles. Before receiving your 21, March 20, 5 p.m., Department, on the strength of [Page 699] advices received, had informed Automobile Chamber of Commerce to that effect. The information was thereupon circulated to members of that body.
You should at once bring the situation to the attention of the Minister of Commerce, referring to his statement reported despatch 1501 and urging that the licenses actually be made available at the earliest practicable moment. It would appear advisable to point out the action taken by the Department and by automobile association, stating that if there should now prove to be any difficulty about obtaining these licenses, a most unfavorable reaction will undoubtedly be created.
Report briefly by telegram and fully by mail explanation of Czechoslovak Government’s failure to act on assurances reported to have been given.
Keep Department closely informed by telegraph.