711.60 f 4/11
The Minister in Czechoslovakia (Einstein) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 21.]
Sir: With further reference to my Despatch No. 1312 of June 7th, ultimo [sic], enclosing the copy of a note addressed to the Minister for Foreign Affairs transmitting the proposed naturalization treaty between the United States and Czechoslovakia.15 I have the honor to transmit the copy of a note which I have received from the Foreign Office on this subject.16
The Czechoslovak Government, as the Department will observe, raises no objection to concluding a naturalization treaty on the basis of the proposals contained therein but it points out that such a convention will not solve the difficulties occasioned by the differences in legislation in the citizenship of women as affected by their marriage. Whereas an American woman marrying a Czechoslovak acquires a dual nationality, a Czechoslovak woman marrying an American would for a time remain without nationality of any kind.
It is further pointed out that the proposed convention does not solve the conflict of principles between Jus Sanguinis and Jus Soli. Also the Czechoslovak Government feels a particular interest in being informed about every case of naturalization of its citizens in the United States. In the absence of such knowledge a Czechoslovak would be regarded as liable to perform his military duties. The Department is therefore asked to reconsider this question in order to avoid future difficulties and the suggestion is made that if other means cannot now be found, the Courts where citizenship is granted should be asked to warn naturalized parties that in their own interest they ought to advise the Consulate or Legation of their former country of the change in their status.
The Czechoslovak Government is also very ready to examine any further suggestions which the American Government may see fit to make regarding the question of establishing certificates of birth.
I trust that the Department will be good enough to instruct me as to its wishes regarding the further negotiation of this treaty.
I have [etc.]