321.1154 United Fruit Company/11: Telegram
The Minister in Colombia (Piles) to the Secretary of State
[Received 3:25 p.m.]
51. Department’s telegram No. 31, June 25, 7 p.m. In conversation with the Minister for Foreign Affairs I strongly presented matter along lines suggested. He is going to explain to the President our interest in the present situation and do all that he can [Page 637] to prevent the passage of legislation which is regarded as highly detrimental to American interests. The bill is still in House committee.
[In despatch No. 579, September 18, 1929, the Minister in Colombia reported that: “Neither the irrigation problem (which formed the subject of the Department’s telegram No. 12 of March 12, 7 P.M., 1928) nor the land problem of the United Fruit Company has ever been satisfactorily settled, although for over a year the company’s petitions have been pending before the Council of State without a decision.” (321.1154 United Fruit Company/14.)]