The Secretary of State to the Minister in Canada (Phillips)
Sir: The Department has received your despatch No. 271 dated March 6, 1928, reporting that Wing Commander J. Lindsey Gordon suggested to you the desirability of establishing in the American Legation at Ottawa and in the Canadian Legation at Washington official representatives who would concern themselves with the development of commercial aviation between the two countries.
A copy of your despatch was forwarded to the Secretary of Commerce with the request that he furnish the Department with any comments he might care to make in regard to this matter. A letter dated March 30, 1928, has now been received from the Secretary of Commerce,69 approving in general terms of the proposed exchange of commercial aviation attaches at some future time.
In the Department’s opinion, it is doubtful whether commercial aviation has reached a stage of development in either the United States or Canada to warrant the appointment of officials of this nature.
I am [etc.]
- Not printed.↩