
The Canadian Minister ( Massey ) to the Secretary of State

No. 78

Sir: I have the honour to bring to your attention a serious situation which is reported as existing on the international boundary along the Detroit River. It has recently been stated in the Canadian House of Commons by the Member of Parliament who represents that region, that on three occasions within the last month stray bullets, fired by preventive officers of the Government of the United States, have lodged in Canadian territory. In one instance a bullet passed through a house in the town of Sandwich within three feet of a four year old child; the bullet was found and was shown to be from a high powered rifle such as is carried by preventive officers. On another occasion on Saturday April 21st. at 7.15 p.m. while a local resident was driving on the road along the river front from Walkerville to Windsor, a bullet penetrated the wind shield of his automobile and nearly blinded him with broken glass.

I am instructed to request that you will be good enough to have an enquiry made with a view to furnishing an explanation of the events which are reported above, and preventing the occurrence of similar incidents in the future.

I have [etc.]

Vincent Massey