The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (MacMurray)
Sir: The Department refers to its telegram No. 329, dated September 29, 1928, 3 [2] p.m., regarding the Board of Trustees of the China Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture in [Page 553] which the statement was made that Dr. Paul Monroe would probably proceed to China in the near future in connection with this question.
You are now informed that Dr. Monroe called at the Department on November 1, 1928, at which time it was ascertained that he intends to leave the United States about the middle of November for China. On his arrival at Shanghai, he will endeavor to arrange with the Nationalist authorities for such changes in the personnel of the Board of Trustees of the China Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture as they may desire and that these changes be made in the manner prescribed by the constitution of the Board, i. e. by election. Dr. Monroe will also endeavor to bring about the cancellation by the Nationalist authorities of their order abolishing the constitution of the Board.
Dr. Monroe, in conversation with officers of the Department, inquired whether he would be authorized to inform the Nationalist authorities that if they rescinded the action reported in your telegram No. 602, of August 5, 1928, 9 a.m., payments on the second remission of the Boxer indemnity which are at present understood to be temporarily held, would be resumed. Dr. Monroe was informed in reply that the Department could not give assurances to such effect, but that obviously, if conditions were to return to their original state, it might be supposed that the arrangements with regard to funds would automatically bring about release of the funds. Dr. Monroe expressed the opinion that the present temporary suspension of payments under the Executive Order of July 16, 1925, was a salutary measure.
Dr. Monroe exhibited a copy of a letter received by him from the Chinese Minister at Washington stating that a telegram had been received from the Nationalist Minister of Foreign Affairs to the effect that the latter had recommended to the Nationalist Government the rescinding of that Government’s order abolishing the constitution of the Board of Trustees of the China Foundation.
I am [etc.]