611.9331/68: Telegram
The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State
Peking, July 24,
1928—6 p.m.
[Received July 24—6:05 p.m.]
[Received July 24—6:05 p.m.]
566. Department’s 235, July 23, 6 p.m.
- 1.
- At 10 o’clock tonight I am sending to Wang a telegram en clair containing the text of your note as set forth in Department’s 230, July 20 (omitting the concluding sentence), and likewise I am informing him by telegraph that you propose that this note be made public in China Thursday, July 26, at noon, and have given me instructions accordingly, and that at practically the same hour you are releasing the note in Washington. Tomorrow morning copies are being sent by me to interested colleagues.
- 2.
- I have just been informed by Soong that he is in receipt of an authorization from Wang (confirmation to be given me in writing by Vice Minister Tong) which will make it possible for him to conclude with me tomorrow, July 25, a treaty in the terms which are given in my 567, next following.
- 3.
- It has been decided by Soong that the optional clause borrowed from the treaty between the United States and Siam should be omitted as he feels that under existing circumstances Japan might resent it.
- 4.
- Soong decided likewise against the inclusion in the treaty itself of any clause whereby the abolition of likin would be made a condition. However, the suggestion that he annex to the treaty a declaration of intention for the permanent abolition of the likin system in the near future was accepted by him. No agreement has been reached as yet on the texts of his declaration and of my reply taking note thereof.
- 5.
- Soong wishes to have the opportunity, before the treaty is made public, to discuss it with Nationalist leaders at Shanghai. Accordingly, he requests that the treaty be withheld from publication in China until noon of August 1 and in the United States until the same time, midnight of July 31.