711.42157 R 72/46
The Secretary of State to the Canadian Minister (Massey)
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of December 10, 1928, in which, referring to my note to your Legation, dated August 4, 1928, in regard to the proposed submission to the International Joint Commission of the problem of drainage in the Roseau River Valley in the State of Minnesota and the Province of Manitoba, you inform me that the terms of reference which were [Page 64] drafted and signed at Winnipeg on July 10, 1928, by Mr. R. de B. Corriveau, representing the Government of Canada, and Mr. N. C. Grover, representing the Government of the United States, are acceptable to your Government.
I note that your Government has arranged for the temporary suspension of work on the Roseau River protective works in Manitoba until such time as the International Joint Commission shall have opportunity to review the situation.
I am today addressing to the International Joint Commission, a communication42 submitting to the Commission for investigation, report, and recommendations, the questions described in the memorandum signed by Messrs. Corriveau and Grover. In my communication to the International Joint Commission I emphasized the importance of expediting the investigation which it would be necessary for the Commission to make in order that its report may not be unnecessarily delayed, and informed the Commission that the Department of the Interior of the United States would doubtless be glad to furnish engineers to assist the Commission in making its investigation.
I take this opportunity to express to you, and through you to your Government, my appreciation of the sympathetic consideration which your Government has given to the proposed reference of the Roseau River problem to the International Joint Commission and the cooperation of your Government in consummating the arrangement for the reference.
Accept [etc.]
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