711.42157 R 72/38
The Canadian Minister (Massey) to the Secretary of State
Sir: I have the honour to refer to your note of April 26th, 1928, and previous correspondence on the subject of the Roseau River improvement. I am now instructed by the Secretary of State for External Affairs to inform you that His Majesty’s Government in Canada has noted that you consider that difficulties might arise from the continuance of the works at present under construction on the Canadian side of the border.
[Page 59]It is stated by the competent authorities of the Canadian Government that while they were confident that the 500-foot dyked floodway as at first proposed would be adequate for past recorded flood flows without increase in flood stages at the boundary, the dykes are being laid out 1000 feet apart, providing amply for any increase in flood flow. The only work now being undertaken is at the lower end of the floodway, several miles from the international boundary, and involves merely the provision of two low earthen embankments south of and parallel to the present river channel. This work it is believed cannot in any way restrict channel flow or affect water levels in the Roseau River.
It is suggested that advantage be taken of the presence of the Chief Hydraulic Engineer of the United States Geological Survey in Winnipeg to examine the project. If, after examination, Mr. Grover is of the opinion that the work at present under way in any manner prejudices the situation, the Canadian Government would at once take up the matter with the Province of Manitoba and endeavour to arrange a satisfactory solution.
I shall be grateful if you will advise me also whether the proposal communicated informally a few days ago to an officer of your Department that Mr. Grover and Mr. Corriveau should meet on July 9th at Winnipeg is satisfactory to the competent authorities of the Government of the United States. If that date is not convenient to Mr. Grover, Mr. Corriveau will endeavour to meet him in Winnipeg at any later date that he would suggest.
I have [etc.]