893.00/9886: Telegram
The Minister in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 21—9:25 a.m.]
253. Following from consul at Tsingtau:
“April 19, 9 p.m. All of Marshal Sun’s troops have been withdrawn from Tsingtau and all but about three hundred of local garrison and sent to Tsingpu front. Japanese cruisers Kotaka, Kuma, Tsushima and one destroyer here. Reliably reported that about seven hundred sailors will land tomorrow morning from these ships. Five American destroyers here until 23rd. American consul at Tsinanfu telegraphs that Americans in his district have been advised to leave at once. Most will doubtless come to Tsingtau. Nearly two hundred Americans now here. It is requested that American destroyers in port be detailed Tsingtau until they can be replaced by others with better facilities for evacuation purposes in case of necessity. Reports from southern Shantung coastal area indicate that [Page 259] Nationalist drive from Haichow towards Kiaochow Railway is making rapid headway,”
Foregoing has been repeated to commander in chief with the recommendation that Dorsey’s request be granted.