Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State (Johnson)
The Counselor of the Japanese Embassy during his conversation with me this afternoon stated that he had seen in the press that we had decided to raise our legation at Peking to the rank of an embassy. I told the Counselor of the Japanese Embassy that I had not seen the item in the paper but I understood the Secretary had made some statement to the press yesterday, but the exact statement I did not know except that I did know that we had not done so and that we had the matter under sympathetic consideration. It was my belief that the matter was in no way changed from what the situation was when the Secretary had had his conversation with the Japanese Ambassador some days ago, at which time he had told the Japanese Ambassador that we were favorably disposed towards the matter but had made no decision. The Japanese Counselor reminded me that the Secretary had said that if we made any decision in this matter or regarding the treaty on extraterritoriality he would let them know. I stated that I had no doubt the Secretary would inform him if we made any decision in the matter.