817.00/5084: Telegram

The Chargé in Nicaragua (Munro) to the Secretary of State

284. The situation in Nueva Segovia is still very unsatisfactory. The marines and constabulary are holding the larger towns but numerous groups of bandits roam almost at will through the country committing murders and depredations. Several particularly revolting crimes have occurred in the last few days. Sandino apparently has a force of several hundred men under arms and recent events seem to have increased his prestige. The leaders of both political parties view with alarm this situation.

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The marines have hitherto not taken very active measures against the bandits partly because of tremendous difficulties of transportation during the rainy season, partly because of lack of adequate forces and partly for reasons of policy. I understand that more energetic steps are now contemplated. The rains will stop in about a month. A larger force of guardia is now available and Colonel Gulick has asked that more marines be sent to Nicaragua. To avoid possible criticism, the operations will be carried on largely by the guardia and I understand that a guardia officer will be placed in command of the forces in Nueva Segovia. Two strong columns of marines are now being sent in an effort to rescue the aviators mentioned my telegram of October 11, 6 p.m.,48 of whom nothing has been heard.

Probably as a result of the situation in the north there has been a flood of rumors of revolts and violence in the last few days. Each party is accusing the other of attempting to foment disorders in order to prevent a fresh election. So far as can be ascertained however nearly all reports of disturbances are untrue or exaggerated.

  1. Not printed.