817.00/5051: Telegram

The Chargé in Nicaragua (Munro) to the Secretary of State

259. The following telegram was sent to the American Legation, Tegucigalpa:

“October 4, 9 a.m. A band of Conservative bandits led by Hernandez and Santalides are operating in western Nueva Segovia near Malpaso but are making their headquarters just across the frontier near San Marcos in Honduras. This makes it impossible for the marines to catch them. They are reported to be staying on a farm belonging to the jefe politico of Choluteca.

I have suggested that the Nicaraguan Government ask the Government of Honduras to have these bandits driven out of Honduranean territory but I think that it would be helpful if you would also make representations because these bandits, being Conservatives, have influential friends among officials on both sides of the border.

It would also be very helpful if you could advise me fully and promptly about any action which the Honduranean Government may decide to take so that the marines here can be prepared to catch the bandits if they are driven across the frontier. The above is being repeated to the Department for its information.”
