
The Minister in Costa Rica (Davis) to the Secretary of State

No. 790

Sir: With reference to the Department’s instruction No. 13, dated July 12, 3 P.M., relative to the negotiations of a Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Consular Rights with Costa Rica, I have the honor to submit the following report amplifying the statements made in my cablegram No. 45, dated August 18, 11 A.M.5

After carefully studying the local situation I consider it advisable to await a more opportune time to propose the negotiation of the [Page 501] Treaty to the Executive Power of Costa Rica. This conclusion is based upon the following considerations:

The relations between the Executive Power and Congress are not the most cordial at the present moment, and I believe that the President would hesitate to negotiate a Treaty at this time for fear that the negotiations as well as the ratification of the Treaty would meet with opposition in Congress.
Members of Congress and elements of the press and public have recently complained because of the preference given to Cuba in respect to import duties on certain articles, especially sugar, it being asserted that this preference is responsible for the unsatisfactory condition under which the growers of sugar cane and manufacturers of sugar are operating. Some resentment has also been manifested over the order issued by the Department of Agriculture prohibiting the importation into the United States of certain citrus fruits from Costa Rica, it being maintained that this action violates the spirit if not the letter of the present Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Consular Rights.6

I am of the opinion, however, that the unfavorable conditions reported above are temporary and that an opportune moment to present the matter to the Costa Rican Government will arrive at an early date. I shall carefully observe local conditions and shall present the matter to President Jiménez with the least possible delay.

In the meantime I shall be pleased if the Department will advise me as to the present status of the Treaty signed with Salvador on February 22, 1926. It has been reported here that that Treaty was amended by the Salvadorean Congress before its ratification. I am under the impression that the Costa Rican Government knows of these amendments and might propose similar amendments, or other modifications. I shall appreciate information as to the attitude of the Department relative to modifications in the proposed draft of the Treaty.

I respectfully request that two copies of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Consular Eights between the United States and Germany, as finally ratified, be furnished this Legation.

I have [etc.]

Roy T. Davis
  1. Not printed.
  2. Signed July 10, 1851; Miller, Treaties, vol. 5, p. 985.