
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in China (Mayer)

No. 684

Sir: The Department has received a despatch (No. 1133 of October 11, 1927) from the Consul General at Tientsin, enclosing copies of his despatch to the Legation of October 8 (or 11), 1927,39 respecting the necessity of advising the withdrawal of Americans from certain points in Shansi and southern Chihli Provinces. The Consul General explains that he has uniformly taken the position that Americans should not return to interior points and those who have gone back did so without his approval.

[Page 313]

In his despatch to the Department the Consul General expresses the opinion that the issuance of a travel pass (or travel certificate) for use in the interior is tantamount to consenting to the return of the bearer to the interior, in spite of general warnings to the contrary, but adds that he has issued travel certificates in a few cases to American men desirous of going back to their stations for brief visits to arrange mission affairs or ship out furniture and belongings.

Under the conditions now existing in China the Department is not disposed to approve of the issuance of travel certificates for use in the interior of the country except in cases of the most pressing need and where no undue risks are to be incurred. Travel certificates should not be given to individuals likely to remain indefinitely in regions from which Americans generally have been advised to withdraw.

In connection with paragraph 172 of the Consular Regulations it may be explained that, while the validity of travel certificates should not exceed one year, these documents may be limited in each case to the time actually necessary to accomplish the intended journey. Upon the delivery of a travel certificate the consular officer should take up the applicant’s passport (or certificate of registration) pending the surrender and cancellation of the travel certificate.

If it has not already done so, the Legation is requested to issue a circular instruction to consular officers in China cautioning them not to issue travel certificates to Americans wishing to return to the interior except under the conditions outlined in this instruction.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Nelson Trusler Johnson
  1. Neither despatch nor enclosure is printed.