500.A15 a 1/3a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Chile (Collier)9


5. A memorandum to be presented by the Ambassadors in France, Great Britain, Italy, and Japan on Thursday, February 10, making [Page 10] certain suggestions regarding naval limitation, is given below. You are desired to present a copy thereof to the Minister for Foreign Affairs not earlier than noon, Eastern Standard Time, on Thursday.

When you present it, you should orally explain that, although for obvious reasons it is addressed only to the Washington treaty signatories, the United States Government is so appreciative of the friendly cooperation at Geneva received from the Chilean delegation that President Coolidge wishes as a matter of courtesy that the Government of Chile have the memorandum in order that it may be informed fully regarding developments which this Government hopes may lead to definite achievement as to further naval limitation.

Please repeat the foregoing, mutatis mutandis, and the following, as No. 6, to Buenos Aires.

[Here follows the text of the memorandum transmitted in telegram No. 25, February 3, 7 p.m., to the Ambassador in France, printed on page 1.]

  1. See third paragraph for instructions to repeat to Argentina as Department’s No. 6; a similar telegram was sent to Brazil as Department’s No. 4.