150.01 Commuters/17
The Canadian Minister (Massey) to the Secretary of State
Sir: I have the honour to draw your attention to reports which have recently been circulating in the Press to the effect that the Government of the United States intends to make drastic changes in the regulations now applicable to persons living in Canada, and crossing daily to the United States to work, especially in the area of Detroit.
In view of the long period during which the present practice has been followed, of the reciprocal character of the existing arrangements and of the serious dislocation which would result from any important alteration, I am instructed to request that, before any decision on this matter is taken or announced, an opportunity should be given for a conference to be held as soon as possible, between representatives of the Governments of the United States and of Canada. I am instructed to inform you that representatives of the competent authorities of the Canadian Government are prepared to come to Washington for such a conference at the earliest convenient date.
I have [etc.]