711.42157 Sa 29/317

The Minister in Canada (Phillips) to the Secretary of State

No. 15

Sir: Confirming my telegram No. 9, of July 12, 10 p.m.,20 I have the honor to transmit herewith as a matter of record a copy of Mr. Mackenzie King’s note on the St. Lawrence waterway, dated July 12, 1927, in reply to your note to the Canadian Minister at Washington of April 13, 1927. There is likewise enclosed a copy of a personal letter from Mr. Mackenzie King20 on the subject of the publication of the two notes.

I have [etc.]

William Phillips

The Prime Minister of Canada (Mackenzie King) to the American Minister (Phillips)

Sir: The Government of Canada has received and considered carefully the note of the Secretary of State of the United States to the Canadian Minister at Washington of April 13th, 1927, on the St. Lawrence Waterway.

It shares the appreciation felt by the Government of the United States of the importance of the problem of the development of the St. Lawrence and of the aid in the solution of the engineering aspects of this problem afforded by the reports of the International Joint Commission and of the Joint Board of Engineers appointed by the two Governments in 1925.

The report of the Joint Board of Engineers signed on November 16th, 1926, while unanimous in many respects, indicated differences [Page 490] of opinion on important phases of the development proposed. It is understood that in the appendices to the report, which are in preparation, certain further alternative schemes will be presented which will be of essential value in arriving at a conclusion.

The National Advisory Committee appointed by the Government of Canada to report on the economic and general aspects of the St. Lawrence Waterway question will not be in a position to make a final report until all the findings of the Joint Engineering Board, including the appendices, are available. Upon receipt of the report of the National Advisory Committee and upon consideration of the other factors involved, the Government of Canada will be able to determine its policy on the question, and will then have pleasure in discussing further with the Government of the United States at as early a date as possible the whole situation, including the proposals contained in the present note of the Secretary of State.

Accept [etc.]

W. L. Mackenzie King
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.