500.A15 a 1/204: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Houghton)
84. Bridgeman saw Admiral Jones when latter was in London on way to Geneva and raised possibility of moving Conference to some other place. British Naval delegate on Preparatory Commission likewise suggested to Gibson possibility of Brussels. No suggestion of this sort has ever come from anyone in British Foreign Office or from the Japanese.
Gibson has informed Department that Drummond has stated that, in regard to use of League facilities by Conference in Geneva, he preferred requests for this use to come from states members of League, that is to say, from Great Britain and Japan.
As this Conference at Geneva was called by President in connection with work of Preparatory Commission, the United States would not care to change location of Conference except on formal request of Great Britain and Japan, who are members of the League, in which event this Government would willingly consent to change to Brussels. There is no doubt that British and Japanese would be willing to request use of necessary League facilities if it be definitely decided to hold Conference at Geneva.
All the above considerations were discussed yesterday with Mr. Chilton of the British Embassy, the Ambassador being absent, and [Page 38] with. Japanese Ambassador, who promised to communicate with their respective Governments. You should find occasion to explain situation to Chamberlain and to urge early decision.