
The Minister in Nicaragua (Eberhardt) to the Secretary of State

No. 464

Sir: With no instructions or comment from the Department to refer to in connection with my telegram No. 181 of July 28, 4 P.M., I have the honor to advise the Department that I have nevertheless discussed this entire question informally with President Diaz and intimated that I saw no reason why preliminary negotiations with the Colombian Minister should not be undertaken. I am informed that this has been done. I hope my action in the matter will have the approval of the Department. It would, however, be appreciated by both President Diaz and this Legation if the Department would indicate whether a settlement along the lines proposed by the Department in its instruction No. 212 of March 25 [21], 1925,65 still seems advisable to the Department, or what, if any, additional representations and points might be brought up in negotiations tending toward the settlement of this old question.

I have [etc.]

Charles C. Eberhardt