893.74/727: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in China (Mayer)
232. Your number 474, October 13, 1 p.m. A conference with General Harbord and Colonel Davis has been held by the Department in regard to the wireless matter and the questions which were covered by recent telegrams from the Legation. Department is now preparing a reply to the note of June 1, 1925, from the Japanese Embassy. It will discuss the various points which were raised in that note, and it will conclude with stating that if the Governments of China and Japan approve, Radio Corporation of America will extend an invitation to the Chinese Ministry of Communications, the Mitsui Company, and the Federal Telegraph Company as well, to meet in the city of New York to discuss the various matters at issue with a view to working out in common accord a solution of those difficulties. The substance of this draft will be communicated to you when it has been completed, for communication simultaneously to the Chinese Foreign Office.
You may, pending receipt of these instructions, listen to whatever proposals may be made, immediately reporting them to the Department by telegraph.