500.A4e/624: Telegram

The American Delegation to the Secretary of State

Conference 51. Our 47, July 3, 6 p.m.15a

Admiral Tsai as plenipotentiary delegate recently invited foreign delegates to an informal meeting today for the purpose of exchange of views concerning future work of the Conference. Meeting was in fact conducted with customary formality and a record made by secretariat.
Tsai proposed resolution that the Conference should resume its work on or about September 1st. We adhered to the position taken by the foreign delegations at their meeting of July 3d that we would be glad to continue work of the Conference so soon as the delegates of the Chinese Government should be in a position to resume the discussions, which condition did not exist then or now and which we could not foresee would on any fixed date in the future, and that we could not therefore commit ourselves to any definite date. The result of the meeting was a tacit agreement that there would be no meetings called during the hot weather which lasts some weeks longer.
Am[erican] Tar[iff] Del[egation]
  1. Not printed.