
The Latvian Minister (Seya) to the Secretary of State11

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of February 12, 1926, together with the certified true copy, enclosed therewith, of the Senate Resolution in regard to the adherence on the part of the United States to the Protocol of Signature of the Statute for the Permanent Court of International Justice.

I have not failed to inform my Government of the conditions, reservations, and understandings contained in the said Resolution, and I will be glad to bring its views to your knowledge as soon as an answer will be received at this Legation.

Accept [etc.]

C. L. Seya
  1. Simple acknowledgments similar to the Latvian note were received from the following Governments through their representatives in Washington: Bolivia, Feb. 22; China, Mar. 8; Colombia, Feb. 15; Haiti, Feb. 16; Lithuania, Feb. 15; Panama, Feb. 15; Paraguay, Feb. 20; Salvador, Feb. 15; Venezuela, Feb. 16. No replies were received from the Governments of Bulgaria, Canada, and Chile.

    On Feb. 24, 1926, the Brazilian Ambassador informed the Secretary of State that a message had been received from the Brazilian Minister for Foreign Affairs stating that a written acceptance of the entry of the United States into the World Court on the terms communicated by the Secretary would be sent by Brazil. No further communication on the note of Feb. 12, 1926, however, appears to have been received.