
The Brazilian Ambassador (Do Amaral) to the Secretary of State

No. 26

Excellency: The undersigned, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of Brazil, has the honor to answer the note which Your Excellency sent him on June 30 last, with reference to his own of May 21 of this year,28 by which, in the name and by direction of the Federal Government of Brazil, he asked the Government of the United States of America to renew the contract of the American Naval Mission now in Rio de Janeiro.

In compliance with the suggestions made in Your Excellency’s note, the undersigned, in the name and by order of his Government, hereby says and declares that he effects an exchange of diplomatic [Page 575] instruments of that nature, that the Federal Government of Brazil accepts the renewal of the contract of the American Naval Mission now in force, for a term of four years counted from November 6 of this year, when it expires without any change in its terms.

Like the Government of the United States of America, the Federal Government of Brazil considers this exchange of notes to be perfectly valid or to give perfect validity to the renewal of the contract, which is thus established.

The undersigned avails himself [etc.]

S. Gurgél do Amaral
  1. Not printed.