The Secretary of State to the Minister of the Irish Free State (Smiddy)
Sir: Having noted that the Minister for External Affairs of the Irish Free State, by a letter dated August 21, 1926, notified the Secretary General of the League of Nations that the Irish Free State is to be included among those Members of the League of Nations which have ratified the Protocol of Signature of the Statute for the Permanent Court of International Justice, done at Geneva, December 16, 1920, I have the honor to inform you that the Senate of the United States of America, on January 27, 1926, gave its advice and consent to the adherence on the part of the United States to the said Protocol of Signature, and the adjoined Statute for the Permanent Court of International Justice, without accepting or agreeing to the Optional Clause for Compulsory Jurisdiction, contained in the said Statute, on the condition of the acceptance by the Powers signatory to the Protocol of the conditions, reservations and understandings contained in the Senate Resolution, a certified true copy of which is enclosed.
I have the honor, therefore, to request you to be good enough to ascertain whether the Irish Free State will accept the conditions, reservations and understandings contained in the Resolution as a part and a condition of the adherence of the United States to the said Protocol and Statute, and to inform me in writing of such acceptance.
Accept [etc.]