723.2515/1966: Telegram
The Consul at Arica (Von Tresckow) to the Secretary of State
Arica, February 24,
1926—6 p.m.
[Received February 25—4 p.m.]
[Received February 25—4 p.m.]
From Lassiter.
- (1)
- There is increasing evidence since I cabled you yesterday8a that the Peruvians will assert they are not ready to begin registration on March 15. I am doing all I can to remove obstructions, and I am sure that necessary mechanism for registration can be ready, but if Peruvians [omission in text] or that their voters in Chile are prevented from returning to provinces they will demand postponement.
- (2)
- In regard to Peruvians who are now in Chile, I am sending an officer to Iquique to advertise his presence as a representative of the Plebiscitary Commission to receive the statements of those who assert right to return. The Chilean Commissioner agrees fully with this action, and says that instructions will be given the Chilean authorities to facilitate return, though outcome is, of course, more or less doubtful. Would it be possible for American Consuls at Antofagasta, Valparaiso, and Santiago to announce in like manner that they will receive statements from applicants who desire to return to plebiscitary territory? If you think plan feasible and will inform me at once and will give the Consuls notice, I will ask the Chilean Commissioner to make arrangements with his Government. If done at all, it must be without delay. Lassiter.
Von Tresckow
- Telegram not printed.↩