819.415C/76: Telegram
The Minister in Panama (South) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:38 p.m.]
52. The Bolívar Congress adjourned this afternoon. At the final session the Congress debated a resolution offered by Gutierrez Navas of Nicaragua recommending that the Sixth Pan American Congress consider the transfer of the seat of the Pan American Union to Panama. Gutierrez withdrew his motion after Ricardo Alfaro57 speaking on behalf of the President of Panama opposed it in very strong and able speech on the ground that its adoption would be an unfriendly act toward the United States.
While the delegation considered it inadvisable for obvious reasons openly to oppose the resolution it discreetly assured itself before the session of Alfaro’s assistance and of the votes of several other delegations against the resolution.
- Delegate of the Pan American Union; Panaman Minister to the United States.↩