Treaty Series No. 762

Procès-Verbal of the Deposit of Ratifications of the International Sanitary Convention by Belgium, Spain, France, Great Britain, Monaco, and the Soudan


Pursuant to Article 170 of the International Sanitary Convention signed at Paris June 21, 1926, the instrument of ratifications of that International Act by: [Page 235]

  • His Majesty the King of the Belgians
  • His Majesty the King of Spain
  • The President of the French Republic
  • His Majesty the King of Great Britain, Ireland and British territories beyond the seas, Emperor of India
  • His Serene Highness the Prince of Monaco
  • The Governor General representing the sovereign authority of Soudan,

found to be in good and due form, have been deposited in the archives of the Government of the French Republic, in the name of

  • His Majesty the King of the Belgians
    by His Excellency Baron Gaiffier d’Hestroy
    His Ambassador at Paris;
  • His Majesty the King of Spain
    by His Excellency Mr. Quinones de Leon
    His Ambassador at Paris
  • The President of the French Republic
    by Mr. Briand, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the French Republic
  • His Majesty the King of Great Britain, Ireland and the British territories beyond the seas, Emperor of India
    by His Excellency Marquis Crewe
    His Ambassador at Paris,
  • His Serene Highness the Prince of Monaco
    by Count de Maleville,
    His Minister at Paris;
  • The Governor General representing the sovereign authority of Soudan
    by His Excellency Marquis Crewe, Ambassador of His Britannic Majesty at Paris,

The instrument of ratifications of His Majesty the King of Spain contains the following reservations:

First Reservation on Article 12 of the Convention

“The Government of His Catholic Majesty declares that ratification of the International Sanitary Convention is not to be construed to mean that Spain recognizes a régime or entity acting as Government of a signatory or adhering Power when that regime or entity is not recognized by Spain as the Government of that Power; it further declares that the participation of Spain in the International Sanitary Convention does not involve any contractual obligation on the part of Spain to a signatory or adhering Power represented by a regime or entity which Spain does not recognize as representing the Government of that Power until it is represented by a Government recognized by Spain.”

[Page 236]

Second Reservation

“The Government of His Catholic Majesty reserves to itself the right to decide whether, from the standpoint of the measures to be applied to a foreign district, it is to be considered as infected and to decide what measures shall be applied under special circumstances to arrivals in its own ports.”

Reservations to Article 49 of the Convention

“The Government of His Catholic Majesty, while approving in principle the recommendations in Article 49 of the Convention and feeling desirous of hereafter succeeding in freely delivering bills of health and reducing consular fees for the visa of said bills of health, under the head of reciprocity, so that they shall represent only the cost of the service rendered, can not refrain from calling attention to the fact that at present the law in force in Spain does not make it possible to grant those concessions which in any event could only be granted in accordance with the law of Spain.”

“It is further declared that the instrument of ratifications by His Catholic Majesty does not apply to the Spanish territories in the Gulf of Guinea which shall form the subject of a special adhesion as provided in Articles 171 and 172 of the Convention when the sanitary measures that are contemplated shall have been promulgated for those territories.”

In accordance with Article 172 of the Convention, the instrument of ratifications by His Majesty the King of Great Britain, Ireland and the British territories beyond the seas, Emperor of India, states that the said ratifications applied:

“Only to Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Dominion of New Zealand (including the mandate territory of West Samoa) and the Union of South Africa (but not the mandate territory of Southern and Western Africa) without prejudice, however, to the right hereafter to ratify with regard to the Dominion of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, and the Empire of India, or the right of hereafter adhering to everything in which the Dominions, Colonies, Possessions or mandate Territories hereby excluded from this ratification are concerned.”

In accordance with Article 172 of the Convention, the instrument of ratifications by the President of the French Republic says that they apply:

“To France, Algeria, French West Africa, French East Africa, the French Colonies and Protectorates in Indo-China, or of the other French colonies and possessions, the mandate States of Syria, Great Lebanon, “Alaouites” and Jebel Druze, the mandate territories of Togo and of Cameroon.”

[Page 237]

A certified copy of this procès-verbal shall be sent to the contracting Powers.

In witness whereof the undersigned have drawn up this procès-verbal and affixed their seals thereto.

E. de Gaiffier

J. Quinones de Léon

A. Briand


Henri de Maleville
