893.74/613: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (MacMurray)


263. Legation’s telegram 405, September 21, 4 p.m. An Associated Press report from Tokyo dated September 22, stated that the Japanese Ambassador at Washington had been instructed to enter into conversations with the Secretary of State with respect to the Chinese wireless situation with the expectation that a compromise between the United States and Japan will be reached which will satisfy all parties. As the Department understands it the arrangements referred to in your 405, September 21, paragraph 3, are not to be begun until the contract with the Radio Corporation has been confirmed and put into effect. The Department has heard nothing as yet from the Japanese Embassy, but if the Japanese Ambassador makes inquiries it is my intention to inform him that I am waiting to learn the results of the negotiations which you are now conducting at Peking. Department wishes that question of traffic arrangements be a matter for negotiation not between the American and Japanese Governments but between the companies concerned.
