793.003 C 73/197
The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (MacMurray)
Sir: Adverting to previous correspondence with regard to conversations at the Department with the Chinese Minister on the subject of the situation in China, there is summarized below, for your confidential information, the substance of a conversation between myself and Doctor Sze on November 10, 1925.
The Chinese Minister discussed with me the Extraterritoriality Commission and stated that he thought the powers of the Commission should be enlarged to authorize it to make a report on which extraterritoriality could be abolished or substantially the same thing. [Page 889] I informed him that such was the object of the identic note94 and that the identic note and Resolution V gave the Commission full authority to make any recommendations it saw fit.
Dr. Sze then stated that he wanted the Commissioners to be given plenipotentiary powers to negotiate a treaty for abolition. I told him I did not think that wise; it would make it necessary for me to start negotiations all over again with all the Governments concerned and it would be better to wait until the report of the Commission was received, after which there would either be a new conference with appointees having full power to negotiate or each country would have to negotiate separately. The Chinese Minister then cabled his Government as follows:
“Saw Kellogg today. While he is sympathetic he opines it would be useless to approach other Powers again reference Extraterritorial Commission. Commission will have power to consider any plan which China may propose and recommend to their several governments one identic plan, or if not unanimous, each Commissioner report his own findings and conclusions. Basing upon such results the governments either separately or jointly negotiate with China for relinquishment of extraterritoriality.”
I am [etc.]