893.00/6284a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in China (Mayer)
107. Recent press articles appearing here commenting upon the present situation in China carry the suggestion that there exists a plot on the part of European Powers and Japan to draw the United States into action oppressive of China in order to further their own interests. The articles suggest that the troubles at Shanghai are not anti-foreign, but were due to British and Japanese aggressions. The writers of these articles advise that the United States must be careful not to become involved with those governments in repressive measures directed against the Chinese and vaguely intimate that they are voicing the views of officials of this Government.
The Department is concerned over the possibility of cabled reports of such articles appearing in the press in China, and desires to state for your information that these articles have received no sanction whatsoever from the Department, which deprecates any attempt to take advantage of this situation to promote the interests of one country at the expense of another.
Repeat to Tokyo as No. 61 and Shanghai.