893.5045/78: Telegram

The Chargé in China ( Mayer ) to the Secretary of State

211. 1. Heads of Legation at meeting today decided on my initiation to suggest to consular body at Shanghai the reembarkation of part of the landing force if the local situation permitted, and other contingents thereof successively, such action to be left to the discretion of consular body. Heads of Legation suggested further that publicity be given to such measures if taken and consular body were requested to inform us of their decision in the matter in order that we might give publicity here.

2. Since situation at Shanghai apparently much improved, law and order generally prevailing there, I believe the above-suggested action strongly advisable in order to demonstrate to Chinese Government and people our desire to withdraw landing forces at Shanghai as soon as practicable, a desire evident to us but I believe not generally realized here. It is hoped that this in conjunction with the despatch of our delegation this morning to Shanghai will materially assist in relieving present universal tension in China without giving erroneous impression that we are not fully prepared to take necessary measures of defense.

3. Marshal Chang Tso-lin90 yesterday caused me and other diplomatic representatives to be informed of his decision to send son to Shanghai to inquire into situation and to despatch forces to maintain order in the Chinese city. In order not to give foreigners a false impression these troops to be limited to two battalions of student officers expressly sent from Mukden in the belief that they would be more intelligent and better disciplined than ordinary soldiers. Consular body informed of above facts and our delegation directed to get in touch with Marshal Chang’s son in accordance with the Marshal’s expressed desire.

  1. Military overlord in Manchuria.