825.00/364: Telegram

The Ambassador in Chile ( Collier ) to the Secretary of State

8. At 5 p.m. January 23rd two regiments took possession Moneda,1 and Altamirano, Nef, Bennett and Gomez Carreño prisoners.2 New junta de gobierno being formed headed by Dartnell, inspector general of the Army, and Ortiz Vega, Minister of War, who will ask Navy to designate third member possibly Aceveda. New junta speaking for the Army declares that movement initiated by Army in September was for reform not for reaction and has been betrayed by Altamirano and last junta. It is understood that new junta is favorable to recall of Alessandri3 and immediate holding of constitutional convention. No definite information as to situation outside of Santiago nor as to attitude of Navy. Stones were hurled and shots fired at Union Club tonight. All the regiments in Santiago seem to be in accord and persons sympathetic with movement say that labor unions and university students are enthusiastic in its support and that engineers of Navy and all its youngest officials will give their support. Latter statement is however questionable.

  1. The Palace of the Moneda.
  2. Altamirano, Nef, and Bennett comprised the Junta de Gobierno de Septiembre, the regime which assumed power following the revolution of that month. Gomez Carreño subsequently became Minister of Marine in that regime. See Foreign Relations, 1924, vol. i, pp. 357 ff.
  3. Arturo Alessandri, Constitutional President of Chile, then in Rome.