875.6363/162: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Albania (Kodding)

8. Your 16, February 11, 1 [7] p.m., and 17, February 11, 7 p.m.12 Department assumes that the Albanian Government would not desire to take any final action in the granting of a concession without affording to interested American companies adequate opportunity to present their proposals which should receive the same consideration at the hands of the Albanian Government as proposals submitted by companies of any other nationality. Further, Department assumes that Albanian Government would in no case be disposed to grant any concession of an essentially monopolistic or exclusive character either as regards prospecting or exploitation. In this connection you will carefully review Department’s instruction No. 18 of April 18, 1923,13 and if the situation in your opinion justifies you should make appropriate representations to the Albanian Government for the protection of interested American companies.
